Mobile Deposit
Make deposits on-the-go or after hours with our 24/7 Mobile Deposit service. Simply log into your Bank of Advance Mobile app, snap a picture, and deposit checks easily and securely without making a trip to the bank. Save time, hassle, and money with Mobile Deposit!
How to Apply
You can apply quickly and easily online, within the app, or in-person at your local branch.
What you will need:
- An iPhone®, iPad®, or Android™ device with the latest update of the Bank of Advance Mobile app
- An eligible Bank of Advance Checking or Savings account
- An active Bank of Advance Online Banking ID and password
After we receive your application, we will process your request and contact you upon review. You will receive an email with further instructions within 2 business days.
Usage restricted to eligible customers only.
How to Make a Deposit
- Log into your Bank of Advance Mobile app
- From the menu, select Mobile Deposit and then Deposit Check
- Endorse the back of the check with your signature, and clearly write "Mobile Deposit Only"
- Select the account you are depositing to, and enter the check amount
- Use your phone's camera to capture an image of the front and back of your check
- Tap Submit
Be sure to log into your Online Banking the next business day to verify your deposit is correctly reflected in your account balance.
What You Need to Know
How do I access Mobile Deposit?
Submit an enrollment request online, within the app, or in-person at your local branch. After your enrollment has been approved and completed, log into your Bank of Advance Mobile app, and click on Deposits in the menu.
You will need an iPhone, iPad or Android device with the latest version of the Bank of Advance Mobile app. A 2.0 megapixel resolution or higher camera with auto-focus is required.How do I endorse a Mobile Deposit check?
On the back of the check, sign your name, and underneath your signature clearly write "Mobile Deposit Only". If your check is not properly endorsed, we cannot accept it through Mobile Deposit.
What items can be deposited with Mobile Deposit?
You CAN deposit checks made payable to you from a bank in the United States and in US dollars that have been properly endorsed with "Mobile Deposit Only" and your signature.
- Checks payable to anyone other than you
- Checks containing an alteration on the front of the check or item, or which you know or suspect are fraudulent, or otherwise not authorized by the owner of the account on which the check is drawn
- NOTE: Mobile Deposit services will be disabled in the event of suspicious/fraudulent activity - Checks payable jointly, unless deposited into an account in the name of all payees
- Checks that are not legibly written (Our system "reads" your check, and if it cannot, the security system will not accept a check for Mobile Deposit)
- Checks that have previously been deposited or negotiated in any way via any method at Bank of Advance or any other financial institution
- Checks that are "stale dated" (6 months or older) or "postdated"
- Returned or re-deposited items
- Foreign checks
- Savings Bonds
- Money Orders
- Rebate Checks
- Com Checks
When will Mobile Deposit funds be available?
How much does it cost to use Mobile Deposit?
There is no fee to use Mobile Deposit. Please note that your mobile carrier's message and data rates may apply.What should I do with my checks after I have deposited them electronically?
You should keep your deposited check in a safe place for 10 days. After 10 days, verify the deposit has been applied to your account correctly, and promptly destroy your check.What are some tips for using Mobile Deposit?
- Verify the back of your check is signed and endorsed with "Mobile Deposit Only"
- Flatten folded or crumpled checks before taking your photos
- Keep the check within the on-screen corners when capturing your photos
- Place your check on a solid background, and take your photos in a well-lit area
- Make sure the entire check image is visible and in focus before submitting your deposit
- Make sure the check amount entered matches the amount written on the check
- If “dark mode” is enabled on your mobile device and you experience issues during the mobile deposit process, you may need to disable the dark mode feature within your device settings to complete your deposit
Sign-up is required to utilize this service. Usage restricted to eligible customers only. Connectivity and usage rates may apply. Please contact your wireless provider for details. Certain restrictions apply.
The iPhone, iPad, App Store and Apple logo are all trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google LLC.

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